Hope you all have had a great summer! I have :) (and I know, hopefully we'll have several wonderful summerdays to go) I've traveled around 6000 kilometers by car, enjoyed the warm climate (I really can't complain about how the wheater has been, because it has been great!), worked a lot, caught up with some friends and spent time with my boyfriend and my family.
And after a while not knowing how my fall would look like I finally now know that I will both study and work. It really feels faboulus and I'm amazingly reliefed, thank you very much!
And since I'm alredy here I might as well give you some inspiration. This time I've made a Lay-out of some summerphotos I found.
Hope you all have found some inspiration!
Now it's time for me to go to bed (it's necessary since my days starts at 5.30 am this week).
Vilket fint kort♥ Fortsätter med mitt pluggande :P Framåt går det ju alltid, hoppas du har det bra, puss:*